Tax Settlement Attorneys: Getting You What You Deserve
A tax settlement is an offer by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe. Tax settlements are only offered in certain cases, and there is no guarantee that the IRS will accept your offer. If you are thinking about making an offer, be sure to consult with a tax professional to discuss your options and determine if a settlement is right for you.
The IRS considers many factors when determining whether or not to accept an offer, including your ability to pay, your current financial situation, and the reasons for your tax liability. While you can use an IRS offer in a compromise calculator, sometimes it is best to consult with a tax attorney.
Can a Tax Attorney Negotiate with IRS?
Yes, a tax attorney can negotiate with IRS on your behalf. Knowing when to contact a tax attorney can save you a lot of money and hassle down the road.
But how can you tell if you need one? Generally speaking, if you can not negotiate a tax settlement on your own with the IRS, then it is time to seek professional help.
A good tax attorney can often negotiate a lower overall tax bill, as well as set up a payment plan that works for both parties. They can also help to resolve other issues, such as levies and liens, that can arise during your case.
In short, if you are feeling overwhelmed by your taxes, or if you are simply not making any headway on your own, then it is time to reach out to a tax attorney for help.
If you live in Georgia and need help negotiating a tax settlement with a Georgia tax attorney — the Law Office of Max Benkel can help you determine if you qualify for an IRS offer-in-compromise. Contact us now and let us help you resolve your tax debt and get back on track financially.