3 Things You Should Know About Tax Audits

You have filed your taxes, but you’re nervous. Like the majority of taxpayers, you hope you got everything correct. After all, you don’t want to be pulled up for IRS tax audits. Those happen more and more and can ruin you, right? Well, there are three things taxpayers need to know about being audited. 1. […]

Do You Need a Separate Business Account If You’re Self-Employed?

When you’re self-employed, you become subject to a number of requirements that are required for all businesses in the country. These requirements can apply to certain business designations and can become confusing.  If you’re wondering, “do I need an EIN for self-employed,” we can help you determine it. At the Law Office of Max Benkel, […]

Relationship Between Back Taxes and Your Credit Score

Back taxes account for more than $125 billion in United States debt, with more than 11 million Americans owing back taxes. Two of the questions that many present to the Law Office of Max Benkel are: “Does a tax lien hurt your credit?” and “Is there a taxes credit score correlation?” Let’s answer both of […]

Back Taxes: What You Need To Know?

Tax law can be complicated, especially if you owe back taxes to Georgia and find yourself facing government action. When taxpayers pay back taxes, the government often starts a collection process to recoup the money owed. Working with an Atlanta tax attorney can help you navigate the process of dealing with back taxes and working […]

Tax Debt: What To Expect From the Collection Process

Tax debt is any taxes owed to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) after failing to meet the filing deadline. It doesn’t matter if you have paid a partial amount or not. The balance will still be considered tax debt. For legal assistance, the Law Office of Max Benkel invites you to discuss your case with […]

Atlanta Tax Resources: What You Should Know

Thousands of people encounter problems with the Internal Revenue Service.  Some of the issues are manageable by the taxpayer, but others can be more complicated and need the expertise of a lawyer who handles nothing but IRS controversy. Below are some options regarding tax resources in Atlanta. The Law Office of Max Benkel has been […]

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